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https not evaluated in blogger | Google Search Console Error Fix

https not evaluated in blogger | Google Search Console Error Fix

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1. Introduction

If you’re a Blogger user, you know how important Google Search Console is for maintaining the health and visibility of your blog. But what happens when you encounter an error like "HTTPS Not Evaluated"? This issue can be a significant roadblock, especially if you’re focused on SEO and securing your site. In this article, we'll dive deep into what this error means, why it occurs, and most importantly, how to fix it.

2. Understanding the HTTPS Protocol

Before we get into the fixes, let’s start with the basics. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is an extension of HTTP and is used to secure data transferred between a web browser and a server. This protocol is essential for encrypting the data on your site, protecting it from potential cyber threats.

3. What is HTTPS?

HTTPS is the secure version of HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The addition of the "S" means that the data is encrypted using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security). This encryption ensures that any data exchanged between your site and your visitors remains private.

4. The "HTTPS Not Evaluated" Error Explained

So, what exactly does the "HTTPS Not Evaluated" error mean?

4.1. What Does the Error Mean?

This error indicates that Google Search Console is unable to assess the HTTPS status of your site. This can happen due to various reasons, including incorrect SSL setup, issues with your custom domain, or problems with Blogger’s HTTPS settings.

4.2. Common Reasons Why This Error Occurs in Blogger

In Blogger, this error often occurs when HTTPS is not properly enabled, or there are issues with the SSL certificate. Custom domains are particularly prone to this problem, as they require additional configuration to work correctly with HTTPS.

5. Initial Checks Before Troubleshooting

Before diving into more complex solutions, it’s essential to perform some initial checks.

5.1. Ensure HTTPS is Enabled on Blogger

First, make sure that HTTPS is enabled for your blog. This can be done through the Blogger dashboard under the "Settings" tab. If HTTPS is not enabled, Google Search Console won’t be able to evaluate it.

5.2. Check the SSL Certificate Status

Next, verify that your SSL certificate is active and correctly installed. An expired or incorrectly installed certificate is a common reason for this error.

5.3. Verify Domain Settings in Blogger

Lastly, ensure that your custom domain is correctly configured to use HTTPS. Incorrect domain settings can prevent Google from evaluating your site’s HTTPS status.

6. How to Enable HTTPS on Blogger

If you haven’t already enabled HTTPS on your blog, here’s how you can do it.

6.1. Step-by-Step Guide to Enable HTTPS

6.2. Log in to your Blogger account.

6.3. Navigate to the "Settings" tab.

6.4. Under "HTTPS Availability," toggle the switch to "Yes."

6.5. Save the changes.

7. Common Issues While Enabling HTTPS

Sometimes, enabling HTTPS isn’t as straightforward as it should be. Common issues include a delay in the HTTPS availability or an error message stating that HTTPS is unavailable for your blog.

8. How to Resolve Those Issues

If you encounter issues, give it some time. Blogger might take a few hours to enable HTTPS fully. If the problem persists, check your custom domain settings or consult Blogger’s help forums.

9. Verifying SSL Certificate Installation

Ensuring your SSL certificate is correctly installed is crucial for avoiding the "HTTPS Not Evaluated" error.

10. How to Check if the SSL Certificate is Properly Installed

You can check your SSL certificate status by simply visiting your site. If it shows a padlock symbol in the address bar, your SSL certificate is active. For a more detailed check, you can use online tools like SSL Labs or Why No Padlock.

11. Setting Up Custom Domains with HTTPS

11.1. Go to your Blogger dashboard.

11.2. Under "Settings," select "Custom Domain."

11.3. Enter your custom domain and save.

11.4. Enable HTTPS for the custom domain.

11.5. Troubleshooting Common Issues with Custom Domains

Issues with custom domains usually stem from DNS settings. Ensure that your domain's DNS settings are configured correctly, pointing to Blogger’s servers.

12. Resolving the "HTTPS Not Evaluated" Error in Blogger

If you’ve gone through the initial checks and your site is still showing the "HTTPS Not Evaluated" error, follow these steps to resolve it.

12.1. Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guide

12.2. Recheck your HTTPS settings in Blogger.

12.3. Verify your SSL certificate status.

12.4. Review your custom domain configuration.

12.5. Resubmit your site to Google Search Console.

12.6. Checking the Site’s Coverage Report in Google Search Console

The coverage report in Google Search Console provides insights into how Google indexes your site. Check for any errors related to HTTPS and address them accordingly.

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